Sole In French Means. Copyright © by harpercollins publishers. Plante (du pied) i’ve got a blister on the sole of my left foot. (bottom of shoe) (de chaussure) semelle nf. French translation of 'sole means' sole means. Fred took his shoes to the shoe repairer to have new soles put on. We had sole for supper. They were fishing for sole. [of shoe, sock] semelle f. / səul/ the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks. French translation of 'sole' sole. Sole [noun] its flesh as food. Over 100,000 english translations of french words and phrases. → in some families, the woman is the sole wage. Sole [noun] a type of small, flat fish. Seul adj ( seule f sl, seuls m pl, seules f pl) this store is my sole.
Sole [noun] its flesh as food. Sole [noun] a type of small, flat fish. [of shoe, sock] semelle f. French translation of 'sole' sole. French translation of 'sole means' sole means. Over 100,000 english translations of french words and phrases. Copyright © by harpercollins publishers. / səul/ the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks. They were fishing for sole. → in some families, the woman is the sole wage.
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Sole In French Means Fred took his shoes to the shoe repairer to have new soles put on. (=only) [aim, purpose, concern, wage earner, survivor] seul (e) before n , unique before n. Plante (du pied) i’ve got a blister on the sole of my left foot. [of shoe, sock] semelle f. Seul adj ( seule f sl, seuls m pl, seules f pl) this store is my sole. They were fishing for sole. → in some families, the woman is the sole wage. Over 100,000 english translations of french words and phrases. We had sole for supper. (bottom of shoe) (de chaussure) semelle nf. Sole [noun] a type of small, flat fish. Sole [noun] its flesh as food. French translation of 'sole means' sole means. French translation of 'sole' sole. / səul/ the underside of the foot, the part on which one stands and walks. Copyright © by harpercollins publishers.